Mezos - moisture meters for hay, grains and seeds a.o. - Czech Republic

Mezos spol. s r.o.
Kyjovska 474/7
500 12 Hradec Kralove
Czech Republic
Ing. Frantisek Bittner - general manager
+420 491 424 788

Firma MEZOS, spol. s. r. o.
Česká Republika

Delmhorst vlhkoměry obilí a seno

Zaměřujeme se zejména na oblast výroby a zpracování obilí, a to od prvovýroby – vzorkování surovin, až po potraviny. Pro tyto oblasti nabízíme jak laboratorní přístroje a zařízení pro rozbory rozhodčími metodami, tak i přístroje pro rychloanalýzy – NIR analyzátory, gravimetrické a elektrické vlhkoměry atp.

Company Mezos spol. s.r.o. in the Czech market sells laboratory equipment not only for agriculture and food industry, but also for other industries, and for these instruments provides a warranty and post-warranty service.
In addition to sales and service it also carries out training, workshops and consultancy for laboratory and quality management.

Since its establishment, Mezos spol. s r.o. has constantly been expanding its range of services so that it can satisfy even the the most demanding and very specific customer requirements in a range of the quality services, from the purchase of agricultural products to food products and services.

Dealer of moisture meters for:

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